Pros: Biofuels are …

· Carbon neutral, which means the amount of   carbon dioxide created by the burning of   biofuels is equal to the absorption capacity of   the plants. Thus, there is no excess carbon   dioxide that remains in the atmosphere.

· Easily renewable and are inexpensive to   produce, while oils and fossil fuels are natural   resources that can be used up, and thus are   very limited.


· Biofuels are the cheapest liquid fuels. They are   far cheaper than fossil fuels have ever been.


· The most earth-friendly of all the forms of fuels.   They cause the least greenhouse gas emissions,   which reduces global warming.


· Reduces foreign dependency and national   debt, since biofuels can be harvested within each   country.
· Pleasing world governments to the extent that   tax incentives are starting to be offered to the   people who use biofuels.
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